Saturday, December 29, 2007

ooh & I put the Super Mario Bros 1st level theme on my cell for a ringtone :)
geeky, I know - lol :D

But its Sooooooo nice :)
& the funny mushroom growing thing for msg sound
wont be long till I change them back to normal, but hey, its fun while it lasts

Sleep now

paid some bills, did some stuff
till finally; I got too tired to continue
so thats it I guess

off to bed :s

corruption.. its a bitch when it strikes - I need to solve this, Stat!

oh & I washed the locks - yaaaaay - big washy :/

oh & ppl ratting around in dead peoples ashes.. for ANY reason .. is NOT OK! NOT! NOT!

pee & sleep :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Is The Industry Ready For Its 'Game Noir'?

Interesting article..

The game I thought of, reading this, was Max Payne :) The Max Payne series!
Not because of the obvious .. noir story :)
but because the focus was on interesting game mechanics & a compelling storyline

Im really looking forward to more games like this. With fun & innovative mechanics and compelling and interesting story lines.
And I believe the Wii is the most likely platform to have these games. I hope they get the indy games platform going too.

My perfect licence plate :) Id like that!

Rouso s getting Big :) & Thats a regular, big table!

Thursday, December 27, 2007



Thursday, December 20, 2007

Horible Horible Horible


The next X days

will be all Oracle - till its done
Oracle all the way baby!

I was planning to have it finished by now
but its not, so .. YEAH BABY

.. *sigh*

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

i have too much problems in my life to write about even one of them
im off to bed

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I did it!!

I finally managed to solve this one

It was tough, I had a hard time, but in the end.. it really has a nice mechanism :)
Time for the next one!

(damned pictures are loading SOOO slow - But the gimp cant help that.. cant continue till they re loaded though..)

God I hate that ass homebank software

& even more so when I go trough the whole process & at the LAST moment - the system FUCKS UP
making me have to start over
that sucks
a lot

Monday, December 17, 2007


Im excited & slightly sad right now..

This site is a great idea, a great concept. Its boardgamegeek, its IMDB, .. for books! Its what the internet was missing :) but now its here. And all it needs is people, more people & some sane management :)

I'm sad because I wanted to do this :) I talked to a friend a while ago about wanting to set this up. Sadly enough; that was before life kicked me again. (or I kicked myself again, whatever it is, its not the point - it doesnt matter - its not about who or why - its about putting it behind & going on. .. we ll repair the damage later, when there s time) When I brought it up, there was no time for such a comprehensive project. And now its too late :)
Yet there is no way of knowing if its any good until I can login. They might not be open enough.. Any user has to be able to add a book or writer or alternate title or ... they ll fail :)

Excited! because I really like & need this thing :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Harlem Globetrotters

I really want to see these guys again!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

I eat 5 year olds for breakfast!


Mini had an Amazing surprise for me today :)

Im incredibly happy :D

I finally got to paying this months bills..

Most of them late :s

But I really loathe checking my account these days! With money coming from several places (thank you IBO - thats a special governement thing for ppl who start working), most of the time I simply dont recieve what I make before I make SEVERAL phone calls around to who knows! Its frustrating! I'll be glad to be rid of it & FINALLY have a steady income again! Every time I check is another surprise.

I know who to call tomorrow & I'll fucking kill them if I have to sacrifice my Friday afternoon on them again! Each week I spend time on those bastards, fuckwads & cocksuc those people on it cant find any jobs! They need all their time to run after their wealth fare money!! I dont want to start to imagine what it would be like WITHOUT those union guys!

only one more month!

And once I fuckin get those union guys going.. I 'LL FINALLY .. FINALLY!! have the numbers I need to do the math!

I'm also considering doing some advanced math on our spending to get some patterns going.. tracking it all; finding out what goes where when & at what rate. Should be interesting :)

& now enough bitching
I need to get to bed!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Vampire Energy

Whow - Nice to see all that in graphs & numbers!!



So I made that script I was talking about earlier

& from now on its studying all the way! More than a month left, better sooner than later! I really needed these couple of days though.. to relax the Doom stress.

This bash script checks the DHCP page of my DLink router, parses the data & inserts it into a file, using the format required by the linux "hosts" file (you know.. "/etc/hosts") Its not pretty to look at but it gets the job done :)

# Variables

## Location & filename for temporary files

## Hosts location

## Webpage with IP info page

## Do not edit beyond this point ;)

if [[ $tMap == "" || $tMap == "/" || $tFile == "" ]]
echo "Thank god I didnt trust you to fill these out wisely."
echo " (dont get over confident tough, this is an EXTREMELY basic test!!)"
echo "At least One of the following errors was found!"
echo "* the map and file variable can NOT be empty!"
echo "* the map can NOT be / (the root)."
echo "Since we re doing rm -f, these settings might cost you your OS!"
echo " ;)"
echo $map$file
exit 1

# make sure there s no files that could screw the process ;)
rm $tMap$tFile* -f

# Remove old entries
grep -v $IPbase $hPath$hFile > $tMap$tFile.clean
grep -v "## Generated DHCP entries" $tMap$tFile.clean > $tMap$tFile.clean2

# Add comment
echo "## Generated DHCP entries" >> $tMap$tFile.clean2

# Get IPs from Router
wget -q --user $IPu --password $IPp $IPpage -O $tMap$tFile.router

if [[ -e $tMap$tFile.router ]]
grep "dDat" $tMap$tFile.router | grep -v " dDat" > $tMap$tFile

# Parse Files
for lijn in $(cat $tMap$tFile)
lijn=$(echo $lijn | grep -v "dDat" | grep -v "=")
if [[ -n $lijn ]]

# Get IP
ip=$(echo $lijn | grep -oE [0-9]\{1,3}[.]\{1}[0-9]\{1,3}[.]\{1}[0-9]\{1,3}[.]\{1}[0-9]\{1,3})

# Get Hostname
host=$(echo $lijn | grep -oE [\"][[:alnum:]]\{3,100} | grep -oE [[:alnum:]]\{3,100} )

# Save
echo "$ip $host" >> $tMap$tFile.clean2


# Replace old file by the new one
mv $tMap$tFile.clean2 $hPath$hFile

# remove residual files
rm $tMap$tFile* -f

Extreme caution should be exercised when using this script. Its unsafe at so many levels.. Just to name some.. It requires certain user rights to edit the "/ect/hosts". It uses "rm -f". It makes use of several intermediary files. .. Dont use it on a production machine without thorough rewrite for security! (How s that for a disclaimer :))

& who needs SVN when you can post it all to blogger!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blogging with Prism = FUN
& now off to bed :) With the lil one!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just screwed up my map with scripts - amazing
THIS would be the right time to start an SVN repository; not to have this happen again.
not a great loss; the file I am working on is open in emacs & the rest was working stuff & a script I worked on & started using yesterday. So I still have that one :)

(rm -f $foo$bar* with both $foo & $bar EMPTY - lol)

I'm awake now :) I'll just throw all that crap in an SVN & there we are :) No more losses.
then again, between doing & wanting to - there s still a whole lot of difference!

and SVN is crap
its just Too CRAP

The fight for Doom XIV is over

and it still needs to sink in.
I can stop working & worrying on it.

Now s time for different stuff!


Anything worth doing
is worth doing right

.. but you have to believe its WORTH doing! :s

Thanks to Greys Anatomy, I now know that

Loving each other is admitting you re both Scary & Damaged

I'll be glad when I run out of Season 2! & I hope I don't start Season 3. EVER! Not enough estrogen!


I just got myself prism on my ubunbtu box. Amazing software!
I was already using it at work - daily - and its FAST! Take any application like site that might be a tad too slow. & drop it into the prism :) Its lightning!

& its amazing to have those web apps behaving like desktop apps :) (another exclamation mark? or another smily? Its really GREAT stuff!!)

This is - I guess - what web 3.0 will be all about. I never really believed - and I mean REALLY believed - in saas. Software as a Service. Applications on the internet. .. . But this is the line; this is the piece of the puzzle that was missing to get it right.

oh & for the record.. the whole web 3.0 .. this is one of those typical buzz words, the next cloud. So until they actually call the term. Untill they DEFINE the term.. anyone referring to it can go fuck themselves! :D (except me since I actually Just called it - LOL)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Resolving a hostname from the DI-624 DHCP

Its an edit of the getIp script I wrote earlier.. this time it checks the DHCP page. Provide a hostname & it ll return you the IP (if its in there..)

# Variables
## Host

## Location & filename for temporary files

## Webpage with IP info page

## Do not edit beyond this point ;)

if [[ $map == "" || $map == "/" || $file == "" ]]
echo "Thank god I didnt trust you to fill these out wisely."
echo " (dont get over confident tough, this is an EXTREMELY basic test!!)"
echo "At least One of the following errors was found!"
echo "* the map and file variable can NOT be empty!"
echo "* the map can NOT be / (the root)."
echo "Since we re doing rm -f, these settings might cost you your OS!"
echo " ;)"
echo $map$file
exit 1

# make sure there s no files that could screw the process ;)
rm $map$file* -f

# Get IP
wget -q --user $IPu --password $IPp $IPpage -O $map$file.router

# check for file existance
if [[ -e $map$file.router ]]
grep $host $map$file.router | grep dDat | grep -oE [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]\+ > $map$file

cat $map$file


# remove residual files
rm $map$file* -f

I needed this to have synergy connect to the right dynamic IP.. It still wont work all of the time, but at least, now it ll work more!

Next up is a script to check that page & fill in the /etc/hosts file for my linux boxes.. I might make it more secure then, since it can at this time be abused since it uses temp files..

Microsoft Disses Windows to Sell More Windows

Check this /. article :)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

More on Microsoft's effort to put XP on XO

This is SAD!

They re know for making OSes for computers with specs that wont be on the market for the next 2 years.. and now they re trying to mod one of their OSes to run on the ultimate low end high tech laptop.

Its hypocrisy, its low and ridiculous!
This is nothing more or less than sad Linux jealousy!

And lets not even consider the experience! It ll be slow and painfull. This might seem like prejudice, but by god, its based on everything they did so far! It doesnt look good! They are NOT able to write a decent OS.
And let the Only necessary argument be.. Their kernel is still One Big Enormous Blob! No modules, no whatever, no NOTHING! One piece of crap for every situation. And they re merely able to separate it for their future OSes, let alone for a specific piece of hardware. They re not going to sell!
So this OLPC version ll have the standard kernel they use on all their high end machines.
Or maybe hell froze over & all those people on that project actually succeeded in combing it all appart. Doable, but not very Microsofty.

I simply dont trust them to do or make anything worth even a penny! And I know this is a tough thing to say. I liked DOS.. VB6 was cool.. but lets be honest, these arent examples of "good" software either. Looking back at those experiences, its all one big flawed mess.. I remember DOS doing some Horible crashes. But DOS is old, so .. we can all forgive that. For old times sake even. Another example.. what about the new Office? 2007? Its not bad.. but its SO heavy. The system requirements are just too much. But thats progress apparently. That doesnt cut it for me, but .. is it worth that penny? ... well, it probably is. On the other hand, no it isnt. It has to compete with free (as in beer - I love beer, lol) And those screen thingumawhutz arent worth the €200 they expect us to pay. or is it more? So I guess.. they do sometimes make crap worth while!

Oh & I just found out why there arent oracle images with ubuntu or whatever. ... Oracle requires a specific version of redhat or unitedlinux! *sigh*
I really have a problem with software being too picky! *sigh*

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Apple enabling native Windows Leopard?

Whow - this is the next big thing.
If they pull THIS off, the guys in redmond might just as well delete their source code. ALL OF IT! If they pull this off, I might pull the oll switcheroo on them (lol - Blender's movie rules :D)

And I am incredibly happy Ubuntu 7.10 finally has VMWare support! Its late.. tough not Too unreasonably late :)

NTGent - Instinct

Nice play with Dirkie :)

it was fun!! Really good
Long tough.. 3 hours

Still - Niiice!

Edit - Ok; this post was all but fair.. It was a great play & I should post a really long and wonderfull review. It was half a musical- Lots of acapella stuff n all.. Amazing!
Great actors, great acting, .. The whole thing was simply amazing!
The story had me wondering the whole time. I didnt know AT ALL how they d incorporate all the characters & how it d all fit together.. It was Nice, it was fun!

Some dutch with enough english to get what its all about..

Instinct is een bewerking van Double Indemnity in Three of a Kind, een novelle van James M. Cain (bekend van The Postman Always Rings Twice). Billy Wilder verfilmde het verhaal in 1944 tot de oscargenomineerde film noir Double Indemnity.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Just finished a whole wad of work

& its A Relief!!

sleep now

Saturday, December 01, 2007

upping the ante

Im considering moving my blog.
I feel I should finally make more use of that domain we have..