Tuesday, January 31, 2006

AskMen.com - Top 99 women

Cool :)

Nicolle Kidman at 96? Thats hardly honest..
91 for Cameron Diaz?? Is ther no justice?
J Lo at 81? omg
78 for Uma Thurrman? above all these .. There is NO justice! I didnt even expect her in the list!
hmmm Catherine Zeta-Jones.. Only at 67? The top 10 HAS to be hotter than my pc screen can handle :s
53 for Jennifer Love Hewitt.. tssk
Gwen Stefani at 51? You mean she s better than? ... OMG, This is getting embarasing
45 Evangeline Lilly :) sounds about right :)
Carmen Electra at 40.. so its all about the tits?
39 for Kylie Minogue.. ok..
who whoow 38 Kate Bosworth
35 Keira Knightley - Yummie
Penolope Cruz @ 32.. hardly deserved
27 for Jennifer Aniston? Being the ex of someone does seem to helt sex-apeal wise :s
25 Salma Hayek.. jummie
23 Elisha Cuthbert - Jummie
12 Jessica Simpson

10 Eva Longoria, I agree
9 Natalie Portman - bweuh
8 Amerie?
6 Sharlize Theron .. owkay
5 Maria Menounos .. ok, I get it
4 Adriana Lima - What being an underwear model wont do for ya :/

3 Angelina Jolie - J U M
2 Sienna Miller - WHO & WHY??
1 Jessica Alba - HELL NO!

I had expected silcone galore in the end but its ok
tough I dont share the views of the average askmen.com viewer

Monday, January 30, 2006

7 Sins

Preforming @ their first gig..
watch the tension, watch the Extacy

They re fine!
Cant wait for em to do MORE :)

a heap o 7 Sins

A heap o sins :)
Last night @ their first gig

It was GREAT!

Friday, January 27, 2006

BBC NEWS | Americas | US plans to 'fight the net' revealed

America (& certainly) really doesnt have ANY respect for the people. Not their people not anyone else, No Respec!

And so they show their disrespect again, this time by an unbelievable document about the internet

Check out BBCs article!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i just finished for the day
tomorrow exam
english sucks
I feel I should clean my IM contact lists!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Its Genious and it still exists!
The great super-instant, always-ready, any-email-you-want email

to Bio & Vleer - my xboard (chess) start script..

# start bestaand schaakspel met de persoon in de parameter.

#pad waar de save files staan.. geef een volledig pad, $HOME ed werken wss NIET!
pad=$(echo /home/gert/chess)

# checken van de parameters & correct reageren..
if [ 1 -lt $# ] || [ $1 = '--help' ]
case $1 in
zwart=$(echo -flipView true )
echo start xboard op en laad het bestand dat als parameter word gegeven als spel
echo saved na afloop de nieuwe game status.
echo $0 [parameter] file
echo -? Deze help file
echo -z Speler speelt Zwart!
echo De huidige versie ondersteunt maar 1 parameter per keer!
exit 0;;
echo $1 is geen correcte parameter!
exit 1;;

# laden van de verscheidene paden & parameters in de vars
poud=$(echo $pad/$1Vorige)
pload=$(echo $pad/$1 )
coords=$(echo -showCoords true )
autos=$(echo -autoSaveGames true )
psave=$(echo $pad/$1N )
load=$(echo -lgf $pload)
save=$(echo -sgf $psave)

# verplaatsen van de bestanden
# (-s kijkt na of het bestand bestaat & groter is dan 0 kb)
#(touch maakt een 0 kb bestand aan met de juiste naam
if [ -s $pload ]
rm -f $poud
cp -f $pload $poud

if [ -s $psave ]
mv -f $psave $pload

touch $psave

# starten van xboard
xboard $load $zwart $coords $autos $save

There we go.. a script to start xboard with the needed info. You have to have an existing game to be able to do this (just save one & then start using the script) It checks if some files exist to prevent losing your game to empty files.
This way you can also just watch the whole thing

What can I say, I rather spend time writing this than clicking on stupid messages!

If anyone stumbles on this & wants the english comments, feel free to email me or post a comment!

& now im off to bed

Without my mini :(
but she had fun, thats most important :)
& I got a good nights worth of work done :)

I also had 3 pots of tea with Bio.
The new one is Great!


(my DS is even greater than I tought. I just rediscovered Mario Kart DS & finished the 50cc races!)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Slashdot | 20 Years of Computer Viruses

Happy BDay :)
(few days late but still :))

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Nintendo DS

I FINALLY got it :D

& I can already say that Mariokart is evil
& Kirby is Great :D


They re making it I guess :)

Their new song s in the StuBru Demopol
Go vote :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I d like to thank "Disturbed" to keep me company trough the night!

They ve kept me On The Edge.. which I needed to survive it all
I ll also thank Shelli for her great proposal.. The shopping ll have to wait tough

soon sleep with mini :)
Now toilet & another wad of Computer Networks and Internets (by Douglas E Comer - 4th ed)

I feel like using IPv6.. I wonder if my router can handle it
Last chapters, no toilet so far :s

IPv6 - I guess not.. Tough Ill delve into it later.. it d be a nice thing to have, not that it would matter, but hey :D It might break DS compatibility tough - And we Cant risk that can we!

Did a tram just crash into something??
It might, its acting wierd

Last chapter!!

Its having SOME problem arlight, that tram
Its screwing up trafic
& its gone by now

anywho, Im ready
Toilet with HsT

Just Me: Blog Life vs. Real Life

This is a post I comment I tried to give on Sissys page, but I got horibly confused, tried to "email this to a friend" where I gave her email adress I got from her profile, only to try & send it, notice it has a 300char limit & .... to then send a short version cursing the system & telling her my reply will be on my own site, if she cares to read it.. To THEN find the real comment option where I posted the following. Its pretty self explenatory I guess.. and as to why the messup? Its 5 in the morning! cut me some slack

FUCK, I just confused the "mail this to a friend" option with the "comment" option! Im so very very sorry! Anywho, here s the reply as I typed it in the wrong box & sorry again for the probably very wierd email! (this is plain embarassing)

I need your email to comment? thats new :s Anywho, Im back :)

The issue you re talking about here is something I think every blogger should at least consider before trusting their valuable toughts and feelings (diary) to the intwerweb. The anonimity of the masses..

I know the feeling you describe here. I never made a secret of my blog (you do remember me & it, do you?? :p) and I actually stimulated some of my friends to read my gruesome secrets. But in the end, it does make me wary of what I type. Each letter I put down, each word has me consider if I want anyone to know this.

In the end, the result is that I write less open than I could. There are things I dont want certain people to read, so to be on the safe side I just dont write them. On the other hand, I dont have the need to write those few oppinions down. And I'm really blunt and honest most of the time, so there s really not much I have to leave out. But there is, and thats because I realise that by putting my deepest soul stirrings online, I make them known to all who are faintly interested.

What am I saying here? (I know, it gets fuzzy, but thats because I wont reread it at this time o day when I should either be sleeping or studying!) Making your blog even more public than it already is might be quite a big step. But then again, there s already the posibility that people are reading what you write (ever tried to google yourself? it can be an angsty experience)! So how much would it Really change?

Most people dont talk to me about what they read in my personal internet diary. And those who do and come bitching about it on top of it all, get one simple answer.. "You read my personal blog. Its online so you can read it. But that doesnt mean I want to talk about it with you! So live with the fact that that is indeed what I think or stop reading my blog! Remember, I didnt ASK you to read it!"
And this kind of reaction mostly works :)

I hope I didnt just spew a large chunk of characters, impossible to combine to a text :)
Altough I ve been gone for a while (I moved to Gent with my GF), I'm back now, so you might get more comments soon :D

take care :)
G (Dgn)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hey mister tambourineman, play a song for me

I had a chat session to the depths of my recent past. Dark pits of turmoil i've been trying to find out more about. In vain.

I really want to go to bed together with mini again soon! I really miss that :/ The thought of her being asleep & me going to bed next to her, scared of waking her.. its not nice!
I love her :)

one less to go
what? exams!
How did it go? ask my teach, she s got the data, not me

I watched a lot of series today & it felt GOOD! it had been a while since I was able to do that & .. hell yeah!

I also realised that the whole column thing is a funny given. What I do here, resembles at times what a column could or would be. I'll have to look up "column" to be positive about it all, but I have the idea that I'm all n all pretty close already.
Still, I should get started on a fixed day post on the Gent post!

I still dont have my DS! MotherFuckers!
Im giving up hope on them calling tomorrow. Its a dream Ive been cherishing for 2 weeks now. Everyone has a limited attention and expectation span. And right now im losing interest in waiting!
I could have BUILT my own by now! Talking about service!

So, on to bed, the next exam and more waiting for my DS.
topped with a delicious sauce of love. Viona as those who know about my situation call it :)

Monday, January 16, 2006

should go OK tomorrow.. Not entirely sure
but it should be doable.
Im kinda jittery about the whole not open book thing, the whole cobol pocket thingie now.. As I discovered in the tests, the big book really did come in handy! I hope I manage without it

I had a short summary of the projects Id like to achieve, in programming..
Priority at
* Porting my administrative software to .net - probably quite a task
* Writing Duisterhoop, the RoD admin software I'll be using in may (deadline) from scratch (again) in .net this time
and if I find the time, Id like to redo the RoD website in database driven PHP. I can hardly believe its not db driven yet, but whatever, the fact of the matter is that I want to redo it in PHP & that I REALLY should. An easy alterable interface is the goal. Easy for adding stuff & easy for layouting the piece of ****

The chess game with Tom is going along fine :) fun concept, mail a move a day. Can hardly wait to see what his move ll be tomorrow! Also :) Ive been playing some chess against gnuchess lately & .. DAMN ive been getting my arse kicked. In ways I didnt see coming over & over again. I do notice that Im getting better at it. Playing against a pc is less encumberant than vs a human. I can just let it hang & do different stuff, to continue later on. Its great!

I STILL do not have my DS
The girl said a week to two weeks. Well, monday's two weeks, honey, so I expect to hear your sweet voice on my phone. Telling me my order has arrived, to pick up at my discresion. Which will be noon. (you see, its all planned already. The fuckers wont know what hit them) Then to put it on the net for loading of batteries (maybe play for a sec, but possibly not, because of my exam at 13.30)

And now, for a small HsT quote..
It was the right thing to do, we had no choice. We are, after all, professionals.

I finished HsT's Hells Angels (interesting read!) and have now started in Generation of Swine. Gonzo papers vol 2. Tales of Shame and Degradation in the '80s

With a hint of Mister Tambourine Man on the background. Great Song, Tnx Mr Bob Dylan!

I had a thought today..
I wonder if I would be able to maintain a weekly column. Maybe I shoyld try it as an item on my blog.. But that d probably be a problem due to not being in reach of a pc all the time & stuff like that. Or maybe I should put it on the RoD site? Or maybe on the New and Revamped RoD site? Or maybe on cone? ..? Or another blog? I might even have one haning someplace.. Or maybe on the Gent blog.. Thats probably the best place anywho! .. yeah, I Should do that!
I'll think some more about it in the sleepless minutes to come


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Photos: A stunning view of Orion Nebula | CNET News.com


learning was ok, Im trough this course, on to the next

Wiki is bit fuller again - YAY

Im watching an orchid from bud to flower - Amazing!


Still no DS
Went to the shop today, they ll call me
Im really not the kind o guy to order stuff!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Im amazed by how many people DONT know wikipedia or the whole "wiki" concept

and Im not talking about illiterate fucks or whatever, I'm talking about friends in the tech department who havent heard about it


Amazing that such an interesting concept and social experiment can go unnoticed, even by people who specialise in the technology that carries it..
And indeed, missing an interesting concept isnt that hard on the internet
but it does seem so if its constantly in the news, undeniably Huge, incredibly usefull and even gets the frontpage coverage in national newspapers!


next to my beloved :)
Have I mentioned lately how CUTE my girlfriend is? :D

Sony Reader

omg this is HOT!
I dont want it yet, but when it turns normal.. DANG!

I ve got a lot of PC text Id just LOVE to read this way :D

Studying & Wiki

Studying went ok today..

& Im having a great deal of fun with the RoD wiki :)
I can hardly wait for it to go live!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Serv s back OK btw
A keyb & a screen quickly helped me realise they had changed the net file to a new format.

So I had an error on the net configuration (figures) and no network. Next I had to update my DHCP but with no IP thats kinda hard, so I had to go by a fixed IP to solve it all. I got lucky there, the router didnt complain

& now its completely Fresh, with updated software, working DHCP & all. Partey!

Still dont have my DS tough :/

Ring of Doom Wiki!

RoD now Officialy has a wiki
Its still being prepped for the launch
but its there & there s already some info in place!

I hope it catches on with the Crew & gets filled some in the next days so that we can quickly move on to the next step of our launchplan :D

Sleep now! :/

Monday, January 09, 2006

Slashdot | Crank Blogging, Like Phone Calling, Now Illegal

One bridge too far
or one law in this case - AGAIN

I'm SO happy I live in belgium & not in a country where they need to legislate EVERYTHING! Those bozos really have too much time on their hands! (and I say bozos here as a personal oppinion, wich is protected under the freedom of speech amendement *rolleyes*)

And to make matters worse, I STILL don't own a Nintendo DS!
Today being the 9th, this is Unacceptable!

Blogger seems to have improved their Spell Checker. It seems to work a lot better now! Which is good since I discovered the google checker and Firefox don't really like each other :/
Still weird.. The blogger spell checker doesn't know the word "Blogger" or "Google" or "Firefox" either for that matter.. Is this some kind of weird anti narcissism? :D

The danger of "emerge world" on a server

I have a linux box here, running as server (yes, even as a student I have that luxury.. well .. luxury depends on how you view it) and a week ago I decided to emerge my world.. (update All the software on my system, for those who don't know) . I pretended to see how many programs and it gave a nice 250 something. I was quite happy about the whole thing, so I booted the update & there we went.. I had the pleasure of remembering how long compiling OpenOffice takes.. (its monstrous! It takes longer than motherfucking X!) and some days later (today) I finally saw.. It had completed. I use VNC and ssh to control the computer as I do not have any keyboard or screen near me (I don't have the space so I don't keep em around, they re back in lede) I read mail & chat on that machine so I can take that load of my laptop & don't have to worry about rebooting my laptop or fucking my laptop up. I will always have Gaim and Thunderbird safely tucked away on my server, at my diposal anywhere I can reach my box, no matter what computer I'm on. Even from back in Lede. It luxury. It wasn't really hard to configure it all and I'm happy I did. It works! Good!

That is, until I rebooted a while ago.
I was aware that "emerge world" can have some unforeseen breakages. I have had this happen before, back when I used it as my regular desktop. It d be a nuisance.. some more hours to spend fixing what I broke. But in the end, it would boot, Id have a screen and a keyboard and a mouse to immediately solve what I broke. But I don't have those anymore, Right now i'm stranded. I cant get to my box in any way, so I'm fucked until I get to keyboard, hardware, ..
"Emerge world" is dangerous. It really is. And if you think about it, its nothing but logical too! Updating a single part is already dangerous. I should have figured that upgrading everything is even more dangerous. Certainly when upgrading THAT MUCH at once!
So now, I'm locked out of it because of what looks like a small mistake in my network configuration. I presume the machine doesn't ask the DHCP for an IP & there s ofcourse where it does all go wrong! simple as that but hell of a lot trouble when you depend on it. Ofcourse I checked the updating of the config files. I'm not totally not-paranoid. But apparently, I didn't check it enough. Apparently I missed one!

In the end..
No biggie!
Its valuable experience, learnt on my own sever instead of fucking up a corporate server, stranding lots of users and crippling a whole company because of a slight miscalculation on my behalf.
HELL I really want a job as Network Admin over some linux servers :D

Now, back to the dishes, a shower & after that.. a small walk with my box

Compiling Open Office makes me wonder why I dont use Binaries!

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Fancy Parking

I fancy park and I'm Damn Well Proud of it!

weird day (omg, apparently I have been writing 'weird' VERY wrong, all my life!!)
tired now
sleep now

mini s coffee ice is great
mini is SuperSexy :D (certainly after her last visit to Hetty!)
I Love Mini

I shall own a DS on Monday, and I mean Monday 9th January!
grrr on anyone who says differently! & I really mean GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

FireFox is nice, Customisations are great, I condensed the usual 3 bars into 2 & its just sleek! (menu + buttons & regular buttons + Google buttons) Hell Yeah!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Fresh Firefox with Google Toolbar

aaah.. nice!
I just installed & completely changed the menu looks
feels Good to have it back :D

Friday, January 06, 2006

Programmable Logic DesignLine | An introduction to different rounding algorithms

This one looks like an interesting article
Ill make sure to read it tomorrow!

For its BedTime for me now! They called me for work some hours ago, so in 5 hours I have to get up & do some job at some company.. it pays the rent :)

I still haven't received my DS :/ annoying!
In quite anxious to play :) REALLY ANXIOUS!

I also keep adding to the list of games I want.. At the moment I need Tony Hawk Sk8land, Sonic, Resident Evil, New Super Mario Brothers, Final Fantasy 3 and last but Certainly not least Worms!

I saw some screens of the new worms for the DS & it looks great! I really look forward to playing it since its really a good game for the ds! Multiplayerwise, both normal wifi & internet play should be possibilities. And the touchscreen should make things Very easy.. Touchscreen in conjunction with the normal keys.. yeah, I'm REALLY looking forward to that one! I'm just speculating ofcourse.. Tough I might not be that far off judging what I saw on the screenshots.. They apparently use the touchscreen for map & weapons..

Yeah, I really need that DS :D

Ps. the blogger spellchecker isnt that good :/ I like the google toolbar checker better. Wierd, its the same company!
The blogger learn button doesnt seem to do all that much either :/

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Fred Eerdekens

Cool artist doing amazing stuff with light and text!
Check it out :)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Internet Archive: Details: Reefer Madness

Another great pearl in Americas Society :)
Reefer madness..

From the site
Louis J. GasnierReefer Madness (1938)
Considered THE archetypal sensationalized anti-drug movie, but it's really an exploitation film made to capitalize on the hot taboo subject of marijuana use. Like many exploitation films of the time, "Reefer Madness" tried to make a quick buck off of a forbidden subject while skirting the Motion Picture Production Code of 1930. The Code forbade the portrayal of immoral acts like drug use. (The illegal drug traffic must not be portrayed in such a way as to stimulate curiosity concerning the use of, or traffic in, such drugs; nor shall scenes be approved which show the use of illegal drugs, or their effects, in detail.) The film toured around the country for many years - often being re-edited and re-titled ("Tell Your Children", "Dope Addict", "Doped Youth", "Love Madness", "The Burning Question"). It was re-discovered in the early 1970s by NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and screened again as an example of the government's demonization of marijuana. NORML may have been confused about the film's sponsorship since one of the film's distributors, Dwain Esper, testified to the Arizona Supreme Court that "Reefer Madness" was not a trashy exploitation film but was actually sponsored by the U.S. Government - a convincing lie, but a lie nonetheless. That being said, the film is still quick enjoyable since it dramatizes the "violent narcotic's ... soul destroying" effects on unwary teens, and their hedonistic exploits enroute to the bottom. You can find more information regarding this film on
its IMDb page.

This one ll be my flic for the evening (tough I already watched it some minutes) and it lookes Absolutely FUNNY :)

Rob Short (and kernel team) - Going deep inside Windows Vista's kernel architecture

This looks INCREDIBLY interesting & promissing! I already watched 5m & I cant wait to see more!

Im anxious to watch it tomorrow morning!

now sleep

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Newyears Conclusion

This new year I already got the stimuli to learn an important lesson. I hate the way I deal with dissapointment in people! I cant really handle it all that well. When friends let me down, feel hurt and angry at them. In the past I actually expressed this anger. Heated conversations in which I made 'em feel bad and didnt care I did. Because I felt I was rightiously angry!

This newyear I finally gave up being angry.. At least I decided I would give up being angry! Its a hard thing to do, but I'm ok :) Following these things, I can only decide I have to change my ways in being dissapointed.

Or more important, I should remember that I cant count on ppl the way I tought I could! Apparently I expect too much! So expecting less is the simple solution, which will also enable me to be less dissapointed and thus avoid difficult moments

I guess my lesson will not be about handling it better but rather avoiding dissapointment.. which is ofcourse just as good :)

I spent some money today :D
I got a wad of cash from my family.. gifts .. So I went out today & Spent some :) hehe

I bought Part 6 of the Dark Tower series (Stephen King)
I hought a second book, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, because it was cheap :)
I ordered a Nintendo DS :D
I bought Mario Kart DS
and Kirby Canvas Curse

So now I'm INCREDIBLY anxious for my DS to arive!!!!!! :)
I cant wait really
Next I need to get Tony Hawk, Sonic & that Resident Evil game.. ah & that braintrain game, I'm very curious about that too :D I hope they set up Demo boxes (where you can download demos to your DS over wifi) in Gent REALLY Quick :D

Viona's mom gave us the greatest gift! Its Amazing :)
We now have a Mixer! And a battering thingy (for like eggwhites & ..) and a blender thingumowhat.. ALL IN ONE :D Very nice device! really!
With lots of extra things like something to hang it on the wall and a cup and ....
Toys Toys Toys :D

Mini already made this great carrot soup!! In between working hard.. she s under a lot of stress at the moment.. But I Love her so whatever :)
Her work s over now, time for me to go in with the kisses :D

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

The best of wishes to all of you :)