Friday, December 30, 2005

Slashdot | Windows XP Flaw 'Extremely Serious'

The latest XP bug is quite a serious one, so it seems
Be wary of any picture you open coz it might install crap you dont want

check the article & try not to freak out :s
Just stay away from the dubious sites! :)

Its just AMAZING
What Next?

I'm absolutely Fucking Pissed

This is a HORRIBLE day

Thursday, December 29, 2005

GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program

I just Gimped my Laptop
& it feels GOOD!

Copy protection (followup)

I just read the blog that started the latest hype.. I never realised that my rant was about such a hit item.. Kinda sad I followed everyone on this, but I was unaware of the dimensions of this whole thing!

So, now, a backlink on my own post :) I had planned this some hours after I read it, but after reading the whole lot of 5 posts by Mr Russinovich I have no more to add that to link to his first post and advise everyone to read the whole 5 posts..

And ofcourse.. I still stand by my earlier point: The disrespect that these big firms show towards their customers is saddening.

If we take a short look at the media business, its beginning to look like a monopoly, where we can choose to take it like a man or just not use the product..
This is why most countries ban pure monopolies by one firm or group.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Court OKs Cell Phone Tracking Without Warrant (Phone Scoop)

big brother IS watching you
Democracy seems to have failed us on this part..
Im glad I live in Europe!

OverClocked ReMix - Unofficial Game Music Arrangement Community

The remixes are GREAT & so is the rest of this site
Amazing concept!

Rise of the Star - The Kirby's Adventure Remix Collaboration

kirby rules
I do wonder if the musics remixes are cool too :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Automobilist beantwoordt sneeuwballen met pepperspray

Voelt iedereen zich VEILIG?

Incredible, things you read in todays papers..
some austrian attacking snowballing kids with Pepperspray and his Fire extinguisher

Is This Really Happening??

Wired News: Real Story of the Rogue Rootkit

Following up on my Copy Protection rant..
This is all about how Sony pissed on his consumers by installing spyware on their computers.

We only need one thing from those companies at the moment.. RESPECT!

Opeth - The official site

Who Whoow :D

I have all Opeth official CDs except "My arms your hearse" and "Morningrise" (altough I might have the later at home, i'm not entirely sure.. I considered buying it, that I'm sure)

Doing template adjustments makes me realise I should update my template
or at the very least clean it



I just discovered baclinks..

Lets see who cares..

CheckStat statistics for Dgn's views on life

Oh My
I just went trough my stats..

most people found my blog using the keyword 640..
W T F ? ? ?

And other funny stats..
Seems my blog is more popular that I realized.. Or at least that I'm in more search engines than I realized..

Mini s reading my blog and doesn't seem to realize that I'm madly in love with her, whatever is in my past blogs. She d like me to delete all girl names in my past blog pages.. (almost 2 yrs atm..)

I really DO love her madly :D

Monday, December 26, 2005

Copy protection

I just had the pleasure of buying a new CD (2 actually) of which one had "copy protection". Now .. I own an iPod and love using it and I don't really have any decent CD players in Gent. Do you see where this is going? I am now wondering what the CD industry is trying to do with their idiotic policy. I don't really feel a lot of respect towards me, the consumer, on whose money they all live, party, do drugs, hookers, tats & whatnot! EVERYTHING they do is about me, well not about me, but about the group of people I belong to. The people who BUY their stuff. Some people (probably members of the aforementioned industry) might ask why I buy Cd's to put on my iPod. The Industry has judged that if I want music for my iPod, I should buy my music over the internet and directly download it to my pod. Now for those who try to press that measure upon me.. There are a number of reasons why I DONT download buy my music but prefer to buy old fashion Cd's instead!
1. I like the art.. The cover, the back, the picture on the disk.. I like to check out the booklet and if they are so kind to bring out a special edition, I like to buy that special edition (like that Yummy edition I got from the Gorillaz, Demon Days.. Just great.. with DVD & ..)
2. I wont lose a CD, I might lose the data on my iPod / Hard disk (crashes ..)
3. I don't own a credit card.. Try to buy ANYTHING online without that!
4. I like to be able to put it on on a normal CD player back home
5. My provider has limited download. I buy LOADS of music.. I don't want to be stuck, wanting music but not being able to download because of the limit. I need it for data. As for paying to get a higher limit? Please refer to 6.
6. I don't have unimaginable loads of money! If they charge me a €1 a track price, Ill pay €22 for a full CD instead of the €17 I buy Cd's for. Now I do imagine them giving a full CD discount and even dropping the price a bit to even go under the CD price (which would only be fair, I mean, they don't have to ship it, print art, the boxes, ....) I still have to spend money on hard disks to put my songs on, because iPods crash. Its a hard disk you walk around with, its only normal things go wrong sometimes! So I need a hard disk in my computer big enough to store my music on. AND, if I want to have a backup, I need another hard disk and time to configure a raid setup. OK, raid might not be necessary but I d at least have to burn it on a CD or whatever which ALL translates to More Cost! I have to pay More money to get the same music, without all the fancy hardware involved with a real CD! Sounds like a ripoff!
7. I just Loathe the attitude

So, I prefer Cd's and I have some heavy arguments to do so. (and even if I didn't have decent arguments.. I AM free to decide what to do with my own money, no?)

I got myself some new Cd's :) I got into my car, took one of the Cd's and put it in, desperately curious to hear their New music :) After putting it in I checked out the CD case once more and noticed the Copy Protection. This would mean I'm fucked. Luckily I know a lil about computers and realise that this copy protection is Utter Crap :) So I got home and uploaded my freshly bought music to my beloved iPod. If I bought the music, I have the right to listen to it, no? Next step is to put the nice Cd's with the rest of my music, safely at home where only dust can harm it. The way I like it, babey!

As you might notice, that copy crap didn't prevent me putting it on my iPod. It might have prevented it if I wouldn't have the tech knowledge I gathered trough life so far. I put it into 2 PCs so far, one of them a win2k box with some updates but certainly not all of the most recent. Result on the w2k box? The music didn't play & told me to install updates.

In the end, what did the copy protection do..
As a tech user I was able to put it on my pod without problems, as I would an unprotected CD
As average person, with a normal computer, on the other hand.. It PREVENTED me LISTENING to my newly bought CD!
To me, right now, it looks like their protection 's only use is bothering the average person who buys a CD.

And where did the time go when data parts on Cd's contained nice extra content? A movie, a wallpaper, an interview .. instead of some lame "copy protection"

Now.. every rant is quite cheap f you only comment and don't put anything positive in, a solution, a positive point, ..

I don't think its feasible, developing a foolproof copy protection with current technology. Outlawing certain technology to make it possible is pure Nazi thinking. (I'm now thinking about the proposition in the USA to outlaw devices that convert analog media to digital content - technology for the chosen few, withholding it from the masses.. I can understand we want to do this with weapons - but harmless hardware?) Auto-running a program to prevent ripping the media using a computer is abusive towards the client, the consumer and will not solve anything. Licencing over internet will exclude people without internet, ..

What is the solution then? A shift in philosophy towards the whole thing. Offer a reason to buy the official goods instead of illegally copying it. POSITIVE action instead of pestering everyone who loves music.
A renewed respect towards the client, the consumer, the People!

More important now :)
I had a Very Nice waking this morning :)
I wont go into it but Vi is just Great :D

hehehe :D

Friday, December 23, 2005

im sitting down on the floor
its quite Not thrilling I have to admit.. really.. But its for the good cause :)

Mini is bussy repairing my dreadlocks :) I had tons of loose hair, wich I was heavilly doubting to actually just cut away & hope they d grow into my locks in the end but .. this is a much better solution! Its painful, uncomfortable and takes a lifetime, but still.. :p

I have to admit she Is great
living together has some .. tougher sides
sides I might not have expected
but .. all n all she s pretty Great :D

I got my Burton iPod Shield Jacket yesterday from the shop :D FINALLY
I had a gruelling 3 month wait, unbearable. I wasnt going to wear my old jacket again, I tought.. WRONG Fuckin 2 months of cold during wich I had to because I just didnt have My New Jacket!
Anywho, its great! The iPod controlls are just Great & .. im happy :) hehe It was funny how my burton dealer / house lord dude reacted to finally being able to see the jacket & put an iPod in it & .. I am the only one so far who bought such a jacket from him :)

Im considering buying a nintendo DS.. I already decided that I d buy another console some years ago & i think that the DS really is the one I need :) Ive been looking at the different games & Im quite persuaded! I hope I can afford one soon!

I hope they call me to work tomorrow
They always want me to work an hour later or so & I gave to Say.. I cant really handle that kind of .. stress :s Not stress,, but.. I just cant do that :/Its too short notice

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Church if the Flying Spaghettu Monster

AT LAST we know how the world came to be & all that other shit :)
I NEED that book!

Great Emu site! I can finally play my old NES games again without having to plug in my telley :)

But remember kids.. Only download what you legally bought in the days of yore! LOL

Anywho, going to rejoin my lovely girlfriend :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I was feeling sick

But I'm better now
had a lot of sleep & it saved me :)

Vi is still sick tough..
Should I add how cute she is, lying there? :)
Tough I d rather have her healthy again :s

I feel like gaming so I might take out War of the Ring & finally play it.. Nearly 12 months after I got it :( But its not just me, other people are having trouble with it too! Checkout a BGG list I started yesterday :) Games you hate to teach

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Finer Points of Teaching Rules

Teaching boardgames (& other crap with extensive rules..)
Some people should REALLY read this!

(I love my Mini)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

FK Tools Ski & Snowboarding Tuning Tools, Waxes and Accessories

Omg, great tools!

My snowboard looks like new!

Friday, December 16, 2005


Im getting started on .net
wich is kinda wierd since I dont really have the TIME
I have much better things to spend my time on :s really
like studying

on the other hand
I have .. at least 3 projects in .net
* Jeeps
* Duisterhoop (the RoD tool)
* An asp website for RoD, database driven & online maintainable


but Im finding that the differences are quite big
so .. should I get myself going
or should I just wait till after the exams
the later makes sense! Considering I have an ASP course then, wich will partially cover VB too & all in .net
so :s whats the deal, whats the plan.. Where do we go from here

I saw Domino in the cinema today.. Nice picure!! really cool!
and Im missing out on sleep too

maybe I should just join Mini in bed :s

Ooh :) & I saw a girl I met on a snowboardtrip today.. Someone I really liked back then & love seeing again (in a friendly way ofcourse, nothing more :p) I hope I see more of her in days to come :) She s studying to be a journalist.. interesting profession. I wouldnt mind studying that eiteher. Actually I discussed that with Kaishi yesterday. But I fear I wont be able to write correct enough to get anywhere (know what I mean :s) The "as long as the msg gets along" approach just does Not work as a journalist (and since I try to live by the rule - LOL)

My finger hurts!

read some on .net & Sleep!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

RSS Bandit - Rss Bandit

This is my new RSS software
& I love it :)

Further on.. I installed my programming languages on my laptop today

I cut my finger so I had it stapled by a doktor yesterday (what a thrill)

and school was quite ok

sleep now :)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I FINALLY have my laptop working again

& muchos graciaz for the upgrades :D
just one question :s WHY DUTCH :p

Friday, December 02, 2005


is really a GREAT site
gotta love the group!

One of my favs..
I keep going back & everytime I go there, amazement hits me anew!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Blackadder Smoking Islay

is some FINE whisky

J had some absinthe & the boss did it The Right Way!! Incredible!!