Thursday, December 30, 2004

ass morning

Positive side was waking up with Vi's voice

all the rest was ass

Luckilly I'll se Vi again this afternoon :)

This afternoon should be Nice..

For those days you just DONT feel like Blogging - Instant Blog Post

Today my boss was reading a book about homosexuality in today's cut-throat corporate world. He was quite touched by the whole thing, so he told my friend Mike about it, and he was all:

"Wow!.. No way! If I hear another thing about today's cut-throat corporate world I'm going to shoot somebody!"

But then when my boss got to the part about the homosexuality, Mike stopped yelling. But this morning, Mike's mother told me that the reason Mike was so freaked out was because he has a fear of homosexuality from childhood. On weekends Mike can be really dumb like that, but he wants what is best for me...

Link of the day: Country Shopping | Randomly generated by Flooble Instant Blog Post Generator


I blogged some
I wrote some
I downloaded some


I read some
I studied some
I chatted some
I called some


I Love My Girl :)


I got my car & payed for it
I ordered some stuff
I realised I need to put some paper around my gifts PRONTO!
I ate


And other stuff..


And now I'm off to bed :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Whatever & Whatnot..

Rumsfeld says 9-11 plane 'shot down' in Pennsylvania

No big surprise..

If its truth that is..
aah whatever

Fuck em all
Still can hardly believe wtf happend at the last elections!

my tongue hurts

I love my girl!

Time for telephones

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Aqua Azul

We might try this sauna today :)

yeah, I'm tired now
& I failed sleeping early again

It ll hurt tomorow when Vi wakes me at 9..
but I'll get up, it ll be the only way to get in a decent sleeping patern

I studied some today
Some but not enough..

The cr4v1ng story is going along nicely :) MORE active ppl is all we need :D

sleep :/

Saturday, December 25, 2004

tum tudum tudum tudum tudum tudum .. Shower Time!

First off.. I succeeded in my "Resist MMORPG test" :) YAY!

I was normally going out tonight, but when we were going to start off, Nijdrop was most likely closed and Vi had already smsed me they were going to have a grils eve, so I had a Guys Eve (lol) with Tom & Dirk..

We played Jacob Hollow.. (Nice, still :D)
and Machiavelli - Dark ages! We FINALLY played Machia Dark Ages! I wasnt able to play it since I got it & we did tonight & it ROCKS! We did an all special chars game & that wasnt all too good an idea but in the end, we LIKE the new stuff! I'm looking forward to big (5+ players) machia games with 3 or 4 expansion chars :D The only thing I'm afraid of is that the expansion might be a bit much to learn to play the game.. Confusing for new players.. So if Vi is interested I'll propose we play the original a couple of times before throwing in the expansion characters!

The "cr4v1ng" blog (in dutch..) is starting up, 4 posts already - its Evil :D Let the bodies hit the floor! We ve got 3 ppl writing so far.. & more comming :D

Vi sent me a sweet sms.. *smiles*

I've got a bussy week commming up

& I think I made Dirk happy by working at the JH tomorrow..

and now Sleep :)
I'm already looking forward to seeing Vi altough I saw her this morning..
(I might want to appologise for my Grumpyness.. Altough she copes with it really well & doesnt seem to mind :) What a SWEETY!!!)


Friday, December 24, 2004

I did some shopping today, for Vi :)
Ken & mom's present were bought yesterday, Today was Vi's present.. I had mailed someone to see if I was going to be lucky, I got a positive answer & indeed.. So today I went & got her what I'm giving her.. I hope she likes it tough.. I had 2 possibilities, One I was sure she d be happy with and this one, with wich she might be happy .. or maybe she wont..
I'll know on NY eve!
I'm looking forward to giving it :D

I went to school to sign my curiculum..
Pitty the courses where HORRIBLY wrong, so I asked about it and it was a mistake, They ll make me a new one and I have to get back (only to sign it..)

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I had a small nightmare.. An annoying one.. Always shite when great fears surface and even worse if they re totally unsollicited for! I HATE IT

And I missed my train
Because I had to change my sleep timers
So I ll see Vi for half an hour less :(
And Im making her wait :/

And my mom just told me Ken's school called about his grades & now the mood is Totally depressed in the house.. And I dont feel like trying to get my mom up again since its a loss of time.. Effort / Return ratio is too ffin low

Luckilly I have a sweet girlfriend :) Vi just smsed me & .. Im the luckiest man alive :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


There s no playing it for an hour!
You start & next time you check a watch 4 hours have passed by!

Only 10 hours till Vi's here :) Yaaaaaaaay!
Im gonna cuddle her to death :D


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Free Anarchy Online

I discovered AO this week & .. I kinda like it..
its quite fun!
and tnx to their latest campaign its FREE too :)

And now that I'm playing again.. Im putting myself on a diet..
Less playing & more studying..
Ill figure out some way of getting the time equally well spent between the two of them

I heard Vi again tonight :) was nice! But I would have loved to hold her instead!

My mom turned 49(!! not 48 as I tought !!) today.. I think she had quite a nice BDay
We went for some food tonight, Nice Meat!! Really good!!!!
Paddys never fails :D

Im looking forward to seeing Vi the day after tomorrow!
I only had to miss her for some days, but still I wish I had seen her tonight! I really do!! And no, not because I'm horny, I just like being around her! .. Ok I feel like kissing and touching and .... her too :) But hey, cant blame me for wanting to.. She s SO NICE :)

Ooh & I started a new Blogger project :) (check reading link on the left) houses a new dutch speaking storytelling collective.. We all write parts of the story whenever we feel like it & come to a nice & bigass story :) YAAAY!! :) Im looking forward to it, tough some more ppl need to subscribe..

Off to bed!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Books about Stress & People

Author: Dr. Salvatore R. Maddi
Book: Resilience at Work

Author: Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky
Book: Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers

Author: Dr. Robert Brooks
Book: The Power of Resilience

Its something about stress & people & stuff..

My Life.. :)
I spent wonderfull time with Vi, just having fun, watching movies, ..

I saw Blade Trinity & Oceans twelve.. Nice!
& I went to see Within Temptation today..

I just got a free Anarchy Online account :) YAY

I do need to study some more
I should have gotten my mom something for TODAY instead of Wednesday :/

The school board is .. a fuckin war room :s We mods dont agree on the policy.. Evilness :s

I need some sleep

But all n all :) I feel Happy again! I finally found someone Nice who feels and acts the same way I do! Feels Nice, Dreamy!!

Friday, December 17, 2004

I was Ordered to eat a spider or "take this Quiz"

3 Names you go by:
3 screen names you have:
3 things you like about yourself:
3 things you hate/dislike about yourself:
3 parts of your heritage:
3 things that scare you:
3 of your everyday essentials
3 things you are wearing right now
3 of your favorite bands/artists
3 of your favorite songs at present:
3 things you want to try in the next 12 months
3 things you want in a relationship
2 truths and a lie
3 physical things about the opposite or same sex that appeals to you
3 things you just can't do
3 of your favorite hobbies
3 things you want to do really badly right now
3 careers you're considering
3 places you want to go on vacation
3 kids names:
3 things you want to do before you die
3 people who have to take this quiz now or eat a spider!

Does just posting it count for taking it?
Coz I might choose the spider if I actually have to fill it in! (I did try!!!)

My exact toughts upon entering my room..

OMG it feels Polar again!

Soprano Underwear

I started looking for this tnx to Shell.. Looks Nice :)

"Fuhgetaboutit" Tank Top & "Property Of The BaddaBing Club" Panties

Evil :D

I had a DREAMY evening yesterday evening & a beautifull awakening this morning! I love waking up next to Vi :) (Tough the blanket was bigger than I tought it was :/ Not that it mattered since the room temperature was quite satisfactory :))

I promissed a link to the xVid codec & here it is :)
I was going to put up this explenation, but sadly enough it wont work since its source only (tough I was under the impression that it had a compiled Windows version too.. The Download Page where one can find the Zipfile wich contains the xvid.inf that should be installed and can be found in the "/xvidcore-1.0.2/vfw/bin" map :)

So here s the RIGHT link The xVid installer from Nic's XviD Binaries & Paraphernalia ;)

(But if you want (or if it acts freaky :/) I'll install it :) Kiss!)

And now time for work & other stuff.. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2004


A very recognisable situation :)

For all you iPod ppl out there :D

I need to get up earlier
it ll all start with going to bed earlier!!

Yesterday were special circomstances tough..

A watched kettle does not boil
& this one is far from boiling!

Moving data from the iPod to make place
Moving data to the iPod to fill the newly made space
doing some song maintenance (like those annoying cencured Cypress Hill songs - I Have No Clue how I got those since my cd is Totally uncencored. Wich btw made me go MAD! If you Joyfully curse along all the lyrics & then discover most of the cursing missing - Annoying to say the Least!)
And ofcourse Adding my newly bought CD to the collection!

In the mean while tough, shit is still copying & I dont feel like leavin em all on for the night..
Maybe I'll go brush my teeth while waiting.. Its a Shitload o Data! DAMN My laptop's USB 1.0 :(

While waiting.. A realisation I had some years ago..
After my first larp, I had a whole new and interesting insight on how the world works.. What I first percieved as rigid structures, just existing and a fact of the world (like police, politeness, inter human standards for comunication, definitions of whatnot, ..) I then understood are only built by men, and upheld by us, the people living it. Even the people cursing "the system" can be important in upholding the structures. It was trough larp I understood that nothing has to be the way it is. That things are the way they are just because!
This ofcourse crushed a lot of my repsect and awe for some organisations but also built a belief that some structures are usefull! The normal example here (certainly for the youth of today - to wich I still belong) would be The Police! Realising their power comes only from our recognising them and thus giving them their power. A logical reaction (certainly from someone with the hate of Authororty as I am .. equiped with) would be to stop recognising that often missused tool of human recognision, thus eliminating a BIG weed in my idilic garden called earth. But in realising the aforementioned, I also realised that tools like the police are interesting to a certain level and needed in our current society (indeed, they would be abundant in another society where everything would run much smoother & ....) Along with the police came also a respect for taxes.. Most people curse 'em but I now understand their necessity wich makes it easier for me to live with their burden (yeah, in belgium you re already in debt to the state the moment you re born) This change in perspective .. made me in a way a whole new person! My views upon my surroundings have become much less bound by social rules and other things I now understand I can choose to ignore! A welcome realisation!! It made me in a way, the person I am today!
and so far the story of how LARP changed view on how the world ticks :)

Ofcourse the above could be but a bit load of proverbial drivle to fill waste my (& your) time.. I can do that, because I can choose to ignore the social rule that states that I should not waste your time And the rule that sais I should care & feel bad if I do.. Wich I btw Dont! :)

Feel free to leave comments about this all & certainly how you feel about the text & about the lil footnote after the bold text.. Im always curious for opinions on my views :)

The RoD meeting was interesting.. & quite fun

I had 2 great phone calls with Vi today! Really calm & peacefull.. Its so great :) I'm looking forward to tomorrow! I REALLY am :)

Kisses to my girl :)
& a sleep tight to Y all!

My Holiday Wish List from Villainsuply!

From the Lair section..

From the Traps & Torture section..

From the Small & Medium Arms section..

From the Superweapons section..

From the Doomsday Devices section..

From the Miscelanious Evil section..

From the Mengele Medical section..

.. yeah, thats about my XMass list :)
Just get me ALL of it - or Else!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Fact of the matter is ofcourse that one Has to appreciate the Irony in the matter

I'm too friendly sometimes!

I just had an utterly insulting chat with a class mate..
She wanted to say sorry for what she said this morning wich was fine anyway, but her motivation.. Insulting
& utterly rude of her!
If I had tought the same thing I wouldnt even have said it out of politeness!

Curse you all the different blogs on the net :) Coz you cost me sleep again..
I wonder what happened to Doris.. her blog seems to be gone :/

& now for real :)

and now to bed it is for me
I ate all the sweets, the crapy music is Really getting too much, the RoD forum work is done, the blog is written, Its time for bed :)

And I realise all to well that it'll be 7 in the morning soon enough :(
gotta go to school :)


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Its wierd but I hadnt linked Kirill's page yet..
I noticed this when I wanted to tell Vi the adress of the page & ..

Anywho, he s a great artist, known from the Divine Divinity music, his great piano albums and his great party moodz :)

I hope he ll join us next wednesday :)

Monday, December 13, 2004

Read up on some news
Drank some Icetea punch


Time for bed!
Long overdue :/

I just saw The Last Samourai
AT LAST!! :)

Nice movie!
Martial arts are So great :)

I really should pick up Aikido again!!
& another book on Zen :)

Problem also is that this kind of shit (cfr the long post) also screws up my mood & motivation to study..

And so I did..
making me feel better again :)

She really deserves all the kisses in the world for being able to make me feel better again
And I'm making it my task to give them to her :)

Because I was writing this load of crap I missed her on MSN!
now I AM going to call her :)


Sunday, December 12, 2004

And so I had a difficult moment just now..

the whole leaving home thing flashing trough my head..
But after a difficult 10 minutes of rethinking the reasons and above all the concequences, now would indeed not be the time to do that..
And again the bitter knowlege that if my dad were still alive it would be possible - and probably better!

But now .. Its all about money and correctness..

Anywho, I'm happy that I was able to bite down the whole malaise, go to my mom and say the words needed for her to feel happy for the night.
And while thinking over that whole deal I had some rich & interesting insights about my mom and the leaving home situation.

Funny I get all this motivation over me again right now :)
just when I had a chat with Vi where I told her that leaving home would be nice but isnt something I'll do right away.. Because of the reasons I had to call to mind only half an hour ago to remind me why I put up with shit like that and dont solve those worries simply by leaving home and thereby getting relief on the part that only worries me and the part that affects both me & my mom.. The last mentioned relief would in part solve certain worries for her too! I think.. But in another way, I dont think solving those would be worth it for her.

.. Being cryptic .. is sometimes needed .. but not fun ..

This did professionally screw up my evening. I should simply go to bed!
AND it only aggrevated my other worries!

and yet the solution would be So simple
and worth the effort
but not worth of all the concequences :(

and so once again I decide on an impasse
where nothing changing appears to be the best solution

Maybe we should just cancel our regular phone in total!
I'll think about that..
Its a pitty it aint that simple a thing to do!
But doable.. Maybe..
Yes, It might be for the best

Another reason to leave! :/

It was fine just untill I stopped hearing Vi's voice :)
I tought about calling her again, but instead I'm here, blogging
I'll see her tomorrow :) About wich I'm once again terribly happy!
I really love her :) *smiles*

Working hard, trying to get STARTED

I feel good

& I love Cypress Hill
Tequilla Sunrise....!

A Quote from Shell

In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

What a tought :) Genious!

Friday, December 10, 2004


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952

Great text! Its a filosofy, a way of Life!
There aparently is a lot of confusion about the text tough.. So here s a page wich contains a link to a fully researched history of these great words!

Went to a play with Vi yesterday.. FUN! I finally found someone who ll go to plays with me :) She s such a sweety! And :) We re going for spareribs this evening :D YEAHA! (I only hope they do have veggy stuff too - Ofcourse they will, but still.. - not for me, btw :D Meat Baby!) And all this on the occasion of Anne-Leen's BDay :)

Now for some pre eat food (tough its an all you can eat thingy, but still.. I havent really eaten a lot today!)

Ooh & someone handed me a nice commic.. The drawings arent all that (sprites??) but the noir story is EVIL :) & its in the very tasty warhammer setting! Dwarf Lover

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I love my girlfriend!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

wanting to
but yet resisting

I have doubt in trusting someone.. when someone alledgedly does something that doesnt fit within the set boundries..
Then the boundries and the trust have to be reset to match that persons behavior..
Pitty, but good!

on lighter news..
I had fun phone calls this night..
Someone got some news and now he s .. angry - Maybe even hurt but since he can barely give his anger an outlet.. Anywho, the calls this night were .. incoherent and didnt really ammend to something.. Anger has many faces.. Tonight I heard a saddening face.. When anger flirts with agression, I can only feel sad!
But again, Time will tell its tale :)
I only hope it doesnt always have to be told at between 3 and 6 in the morning!

On happy news :)
I got a nice email from Vi & I'm looking forward to hearing her, but even more seeing her soon!! I only hope I dont go mad with curiosity :D In vain coz I've ALREADY gone mad with curiosity :D
She s such a sweety!!

Its a pitty people sometimes have to adress the negative sides in life too..

AARHL I CANT GET MY iPod MOUNTED.. - wierdly enough
I'm running a new kernel now.. 2.6.9-R9 (Gentoo Dev Kernel)
But I should really pick 2 days to work on my box - non stop - so I can get it all sorted out! The list of shit I need to do to get it working as I want it is Sickening :/

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night & friday night! As opposed to this evening :/
ah well..

Ooh & also to an invite I got for the end of the year, during vacation! fun :)

Time for paper!
(and so far another highly incoherent blogger post)

I had a fun evening..
I helped Belle with her wireless home network.. Interesting
some much needed security so that not any wandering nitwit would be able to surf their internet

I missed my phone moment tough :( But I sloved it trough The Miracle Of EMail :)
I dont know how I'll make it trough wednesday.. I just hope it ll be thursday evening soon!!

Monday evening was So Nice :)

Im recompiling my kernell so that I'll be able to mount my iPod :) And in the mean while adding some loop device support & other crap I need.. I actually removed some idle crap too!

Tomorrow I need to study! Really! Tomorrow and every day after!!
Certainly now that I've got my three kgs of books!!

My back felt better trough the day but now Ive gotta stop pushing my luck, so Sleeepy time


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Test My . Net - Tested & ok (within boundrys expected from a net test)

inetbench - untested

Chocolate mouse + Banana :D

My back is being shite!

I hope to start on my learning tomorow
Altough I have a work appointment later tomorow night :S
So I'll probably wont be able to start unless I skip math or a miracle happens, waking me up around noon instead of .. LATER :/

I'm off to bed
Ready for sweet dreams :)
*Smooch to the girl that deserves it!* (MY GRIRL :D)

My lovely girlfriend :)
Had a wonderfull evening this evening
watched Exp Rob, Pulp Fiction, Cheers and a sleeping beauty :)
I'm Happy :)

150 euro buys 3 kg of computer books! My poor back!

I need to have a pee!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Yay! 150 euros books..
Nothing interesting
school stuff

I got 'em!
I didnt think they d be available, so YAY

(more later, first food)

happy happy :)
Had a nice day today!
dreamish :)

My iTrip has the frequency problem.. My province has frequencies, other provinces have other frequencies, guess its the point to find the one that doesnt have any other station anywhere :/

Im having a wierd moment.. :)
The world crashing down on me in a way..
Clumzy & all..

Had some food, it was nice

I'm gonna get me some books tomorrow afternoon, school books, long overdue :/ :s I look forward to learning in at least one of them.. Really curious about it - could be Mighty interesting!!

Tomorrow evening :) The last Robbinson (Surviver) of this year.. I'm going to watch it at Vi's place.. Might be a bit wierd, but on the other hand, YAY, Robbinson! :D

hmm Vi :)

and now i'm off to bed before other wierd crap starts happening :)

Friday, December 03, 2004

Im so sleepy :s
bye bye comp for the day!!

*dreaming about my lady*

ooh & also
I saw the whole Indiana Jones trilogy this month (Viva DVD - tough I have to admit Id have to see them again coz I kinda missed parts :/) and I just discovered that they re planning on a fourth.. Indiana Jones 4 (2006) I hope it ll be worth the name :/ Good news already about the cast.. "Credited cast: Harrison Ford .... Indiana Jones" So YAY we ll have the Indy everyone s used to :) (they can still screw up a whole load tough :/)

Asfor the other three.. I think I prefer the first..

I stumbled upon the indy4 thingy while checking if the credited Michael Moore is the Michael Moore from Fahrenheit 9/11 but he isnt.. He s Michael D. Moore the "Second Unit Director or Assistant Director" and "Actor" and "Director" and "Producer" of many good movies we all know and love :)

Damn, Gotta love IMDB

As some may have noticed, I've grown an addiction

The greatest Highs possible :) An Experience to repeat .. over & over & over again :)
When i'm outa vi, I have to admit I'm not all that concentrated & stuff.. mind keeps wandering off & so on :/ But its worth it..

My plans for presents for dirkie are spoiled! aarghl
Ppl dont always seem to get that if I say that time and no later doesnt mean they can give it nearly 10 hours later !! :/
So I'll have to go tomorrow afternoon requiring me to change my RPG plans & ..
But there s always an up side :D

watched The Forgotten recently with Stitchy.. Dissapointing movie!
Im itching to see the Incredibles tough :D

2 hrs o math today.. the only two hours I needed to attend today - & one of the two teachers cancels :/ Wich was good in a way coz I was litterally falling asleep! Interesting lesson tough :/

I also learned that I have 2 exams in one day.. Math in the afternoon and Database shite in the morning.. I'd like to arrange a different date for the database one but on the other hand.. I dont want to mess up the teachers whatever by being a pain in the ass.. So I'll go talk to the school person responsible for all that & see if its a problem or not.. If it is I ll just take 'em both the same day!

Looking forward to tomorrow night! Dirkie s party.. and to sleep late all sunday :) Im going to Love sunday!! :) *giggles*

My Ipod is comming in handy these days.. Certainly with the iTrip I got.. Its a fun toy :D I only need to reconfigure it a lil.. one of these days :)

Yesterday evening was evil too
With John & all..

This is probably my most chaotic blogger entry ever!
Whatever :)


Thursday, December 02, 2004

My blog has become utterly boring (more than usual)

walking on sunshine :D

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


The feeling when things that feel right become reality
Lovely :)

I'm Happy!