Wednesday, December 05, 2007

NTGent - Instinct

Nice play with Dirkie :)

it was fun!! Really good
Long tough.. 3 hours

Still - Niiice!

Edit - Ok; this post was all but fair.. It was a great play & I should post a really long and wonderfull review. It was half a musical- Lots of acapella stuff n all.. Amazing!
Great actors, great acting, .. The whole thing was simply amazing!
The story had me wondering the whole time. I didnt know AT ALL how they d incorporate all the characters & how it d all fit together.. It was Nice, it was fun!

Some dutch with enough english to get what its all about..

Instinct is een bewerking van Double Indemnity in Three of a Kind, een novelle van James M. Cain (bekend van The Postman Always Rings Twice). Billy Wilder verfilmde het verhaal in 1944 tot de oscargenomineerde film noir Double Indemnity.

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