Friday, March 04, 2005

Sleep Profiler

Your sleep is very well optimised, scoring 89 %.

You said you do not have a problem with sleep and you are not at all sleepy during the day, which indicates your body is getting the sleep it needs. Quality of sleep is more important than quantity. You may find your personalised advice below useful for the odd bad night.
Body and Health
You are an "Owl"

* You are built to be at your best later in the day. Surprisingly, it also means your body clock is more flexible than people with standard or lark-like body clocks.
* Ideally, people should wake at the same time everyday, but being an owl, you can probably cope quite well when your sleep pattern is disrupted.

I already tought so :)
Viva confirmation tough


Unknown said...

Me too ahaaaaa what a surprise :D

Angelotte. said...
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Angelotte. said...

haha me three !
kinda surprised at the good result though :)