Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Day at work
I was too early to leave today.. meaning I was there an hour early, screwing up my time sense, whatnot. We did have a nice terace session!

There was a cricket on my car today.. The poor thing even stayed on at 120 Km / H! Evil animal! Was doing its sound I think.. A Death Symphony.. I mean, that thing cant survive such speeds! It was getting on my nerves too, so I gave it a chance to leave (actually pulled over on the freeway) but it didnt seem to want to leave. So I used the window wipe thingy.. but it still stuck, but in the end.. I just did a 100 Km/H and used the wipers & .. It flew.. Still, Poor thing!

Starting studying today.. ehrm.. technically today, Tomorow by my book, asin after I slept..

Finished part two of the Dragonlance trilogy I'm reading & am now reading Tokyo by Mo Hayder. Its nice.. Nicely written too!

My IPod is GREAT.. Still .. evil .. if I think about how much it cost!

Bla Bla Bla! :) *hmmmm...*

I wore my hair in a double knot today, works quite nice :) Its really tight, keeps it all together :)

Snowboard Snowboard Snowboard!
I'm looking forward to having my Snowboard :D
I kinda decided I wanna do the Josk course again! I feel like it :D
Snowboard Snowboard Snowboard!

Im forgetting something but I'll think of it .. some time :D

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