Thursday, December 16, 2004

A watched kettle does not boil
& this one is far from boiling!

Moving data from the iPod to make place
Moving data to the iPod to fill the newly made space
doing some song maintenance (like those annoying cencured Cypress Hill songs - I Have No Clue how I got those since my cd is Totally uncencored. Wich btw made me go MAD! If you Joyfully curse along all the lyrics & then discover most of the cursing missing - Annoying to say the Least!)
And ofcourse Adding my newly bought CD to the collection!

In the mean while tough, shit is still copying & I dont feel like leavin em all on for the night..
Maybe I'll go brush my teeth while waiting.. Its a Shitload o Data! DAMN My laptop's USB 1.0 :(

While waiting.. A realisation I had some years ago..
After my first larp, I had a whole new and interesting insight on how the world works.. What I first percieved as rigid structures, just existing and a fact of the world (like police, politeness, inter human standards for comunication, definitions of whatnot, ..) I then understood are only built by men, and upheld by us, the people living it. Even the people cursing "the system" can be important in upholding the structures. It was trough larp I understood that nothing has to be the way it is. That things are the way they are just because!
This ofcourse crushed a lot of my repsect and awe for some organisations but also built a belief that some structures are usefull! The normal example here (certainly for the youth of today - to wich I still belong) would be The Police! Realising their power comes only from our recognising them and thus giving them their power. A logical reaction (certainly from someone with the hate of Authororty as I am .. equiped with) would be to stop recognising that often missused tool of human recognision, thus eliminating a BIG weed in my idilic garden called earth. But in realising the aforementioned, I also realised that tools like the police are interesting to a certain level and needed in our current society (indeed, they would be abundant in another society where everything would run much smoother & ....) Along with the police came also a respect for taxes.. Most people curse 'em but I now understand their necessity wich makes it easier for me to live with their burden (yeah, in belgium you re already in debt to the state the moment you re born) This change in perspective .. made me in a way a whole new person! My views upon my surroundings have become much less bound by social rules and other things I now understand I can choose to ignore! A welcome realisation!! It made me in a way, the person I am today!
and so far the story of how LARP changed view on how the world ticks :)

Ofcourse the above could be but a bit load of proverbial drivle to fill waste my (& your) time.. I can do that, because I can choose to ignore the social rule that states that I should not waste your time And the rule that sais I should care & feel bad if I do.. Wich I btw Dont! :)

Feel free to leave comments about this all & certainly how you feel about the text & about the lil footnote after the bold text.. Im always curious for opinions on my views :)

The RoD meeting was interesting.. & quite fun

I had 2 great phone calls with Vi today! Really calm & peacefull.. Its so great :) I'm looking forward to tomorrow! I REALLY am :)

Kisses to my girl :)
& a sleep tight to Y all!

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